"An Academic Writing Process de-mystifies how to be a good writer and teaches students a writing process they can use forever."

— Melinda Person


Academic Writing Process: Expressing Complex Understandings in Academic Formats

Skilled writers maintain focus on high-level writing goals as they acquire and consolidate new information while exploring, developing, expressing, and revising ideas for finished written products. An Academic Writing Process is structured to manage the complex processing and learning demands involved in writing for school in ways that replicate the processing habits of skilled writers.

Workshop attendees receive a detailed guide and experience an effective and flexible staged writing-process. Each writing stage detailed in the guide and experienced by participants is framed by task-based outcome criteria that is general enough to apply to multiple forms of academic writing, yet specific enough to guide, measure, and respond individually to learning efforts and the subject matter at hand. Each stage of this writing process focuses efforts on manageable, relevant, and measurable outcome objectives that contribute to the structure, development, and organization of each finalized written product.

For more information contact stacycasper@academicliteracy.education.